Ransomware remains one of the greatest global cyber threats. Frequency, sophistication, costs, and impact are all on the rise – and show no signs of slowing. 

With millions of dollars spent on detective controls every year, why are we still struggling to effectively detect ransomware attacks? 

Recent advancements with breach and attack simulation (BAS) technologies unveil an opportunity to answer this question head-on. Join NetSPI BAS lead Derek Wilson and Solutions Architect Spencer McClain to explore how to use BAS to improve ransomware detections.  

During this webinar, they’ll demo NetSPI’s BAS platform and answer your questions, including:  

  • What does a ransomware simulation look like? 
  • How can I use BAS to set my SOC up for success against ransomware? 
  • How can I use attack simulations to support incident response tabletops? 

Watch today to get a deeper look at how to use NetSPI’s award-winning BAS platform to improve your ransomware readiness.

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